When watching a documentary i realized a good interesting subject for patterns and also relationship of word / image could be porn. When browsing one random populair page of a porn website i found out that the titles of porn are something very unique. Something you won't see or definetly won't accept in the real world (versus a digital anonymous world).
A title of a movie, book, store, etc. Is so important. Its what is suppose to attract a certain kind of people. To get someones attention. To say everything that you need to know summerized in a title. What i saw when spending my fair share of time scrolling through these websites is that
1. for a few titles that if you would take away the image of porn or setting you could change it for a non porn related picture and the message would be completely different. "Stepsister and i go to the park" "college party ends with a big surprise"
2. The shocking amount of racial profiling and woman degrading terms in the titles "asian bitch whore fucked by white cock" "little slut whore takes big cock from behind"

I know that porn is mostly made for men. 90% (maybe more) of the videos on the main pages are focused on the woman out of male eye point a view or the mans face is not shown at all. But is the fact that most porn is made by men for men not something very alarming? While woman rights are more and more important in the real world, in porn it seems to be behind or maybe even more alarming then it used to be (from my point a view).

The titles i saw where so agressive, almost screaming. And i am talking about the nuteral porn videos. Don't get me started on the rape, nicrofelia, pedofelia and torturing an innocent fantasy porn. Titles like: "underage girl takes cock by her own father and tells him to stop"

This is a subject that i feel a lot of people tried to touch or shine a light on. But still i feel like its very under estimated and a subject that stands still. Simply because its "just porn". And maybe because the problem seems to big to change.

We are scared of kids playing too much agressive videogames, afraid it will trigger agressive behaviour. But because porn is adult content and adults are seen as people who can make reliable choices porn is less something to be scared of?
I talked to people for researching this and people would tell me they ignore the titles. If the video is good they can leave the 'sister' 'daddy' 'demeaning' title part behind and fantasize themselves. Or they think its not that big of an influence because its porn and not real. That they dont pay attention to it that much and even though these alarming titles and videos they will keep continueing watching it. Because, yeah, porn.

This is also my perception based on the world and people around me. But i wonder why all these non acceptable things are justified when acted through porn. Is feeding the fantasy of people who think like this going to stop their hunger or make them hunker it even more?
And if 95% of all these titles are allready this agressive and shocking how much people secretly hunger this?

My goal is not to kinkshame or judge people that use a certain language in the bedroom. My goal is to simply shine a light on this subject and let people interact with this language in a different way that they would normally do.

And so i wonder. Back to the relation of words an image(/video). If you delete the image and words are left, would you still be okay with this? Would these words hit you while you ignore them otherwise? Would that make someone realize the importancy of these titles?
So i started with describing 3 photos and let people draw what kind of picture they saw by reading the description i made. This was an experiment that i did because i am very interested in perception and how words (and other senses) can play a huge role in what we see or how we precieve an image. I found out while talking to Tarona that i am very interested in patterns. I did not have a concrete idea, concept or goal. So i spend a lot of time doing research on other photographers and patterns. How can i look for patterns?
Should i make the group of people that i will send new descriptions to (of my own work? Of work that is in a museum based and description based by the text that is underneath the photo? By a perticular photoseries?) Bigger? Should i also do a questionairy?
Should i narrow the subject down to one perticular subject and research that because otherwise it will be too broad and no actual conclusion or pattern can be seen?

I am looking for answers but i am still not sure of what i am looking for.
Because of what i was working on with the camera hack assigment i thought i could also use sound memos that i make when taking pictures of something. Instead of showing the picture i could let people hear the sound that the surrounding of the picture produced.

I came to a conclusion that i am interested in how senses or other mediums change what we see. What if you remove a sense? What is left and what is lost?
How can text change how we precieve an image. Or how can sound change what we see or what we feel about something?

I am still searching because i cant get it straight what i actually want and what i can do to make this work the best.
I found out through different experiments that the whatsapp conversations was one of the easiest options to get my message across. Since a whatsapp conversation isn't very eye catching or appealing to read, I did think of other ways that are maybe even stronger and more clear and therefor easier to reach an audience and make a difference. I first thought of using/making a photo of the porn star in question and write the racist or sexist name calling underneath the picture. While in the process of this I came to realize that it feels a bit disrespectful to me. It could function as confrontation when you see a family woman with kids being called a whore or the n-word but this did not feel like the right way to act in my opinion. Then I had the idea of exposing porn producers who write these racist and sexist titles but sadly these producers are very good at hiding and I would need more time to figure out how to get there names.

While working on this project i've learned a lot of things. One of those things is definetly that I have to FOCUS. Every time my mind wanted to include soooo many more things that I was passionated about, I could hear Tarona telling me that I shouldn't lose myself in everything (something I tend to do more often uch um...), thanks again! (; This definetely kept me organized and on the right track. Not saying it was hard never the less. While in the process of this project I faced many dilemma's. When clicking on these main videos, the incest child abuse for example, the comment section was filled with fathers supporting each other on abusing there own children. Replying words of respect and admiration to dads who admitted abusing their own children. This made my question to change my whole project that questioned the language of porn back to how porn itself influences society again. But okay Mowena, one at a time, focus.
I've also learned
Notes I wrote in my phone
I chose to add this because I felt that besides attending the classes, I did not show/explain my process gradually like normally.
Because these are phone notes they probably contain a lot of spelling mistakes and are not proffesionally written. I do not aspire to become the new bridget jones. Sorry!
In how far does porn influence society? Since porn, we have been shaving our private parts and labia plastic surgery got more and more popular. Through the years we (or porn) have gotten more and more kinkier (what was first, the chicken or the egg?).